問題文 Are you a real math wiz? nc misc.chal.csaw.io 9002 writeup まずはncコマンドで接続してみる。 root@kali:~# nc misc.chal.csaw.io 9002 ____ __ _ _ ___ ___ / ___|__ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ / _(_)_ __ __| | __ __ |__ \__ \ | | / _` | '_ \ | | …
問題文 Don't you love undocumented APIs http://web.chal.csaw.io:9000/ writeup HTMLソースを確認する。 <h1>Welcome to our SINGLE SIGN ON PAGE WITH FULL OAUTH2.0!</h1> <a href="/protected">.</a>
問題文 writeup warファイルの調査 攻略 問題文 The flag marshal has falsely imprisoned a flag for being a deserial killer. Your mission is simple, break the flag out of the marshal's jail (http://theflagmarshal.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com…
ssmjp.connpass.com 上記イベントに参加してきた。ssmjpのイベントは初参加。 取り急ぎレポートを書いた。⇒は私のコメント、補足。 0.前説 1.Future Architect様からのお知らせ 2.We regret to inform you 3.Your EV SSL certificate is crying -Gaps betwee…
問題文 writeup 問題文 Welcome writeup 画面の表示上は普通の文字列だが、WelcomeのWとelcomeの間に、複数種類の空白文字が含まれている。 root@kali:~# curl https://ctf.hackit.ua/w31c0m3 -o welcome.txt -s root@kali:~# od -Ax -tx1z welcome.txt 0000…
問題文 writeup 補足 問題文 We managed to hack one of the systems, and its owner contacted us back. He asked us to check his fix. We did not find anything. Can you? writeup トップのHTMLソースは以下の通り。 root@kali:~…
問題文 writeup 問題文 There are a lot of obscure sorrows in our world. Your job is not to find those that are plain in sight; You need to seek further, look deeper. Find the word that can not be written. The most obscure sorrow of them all…
問題文 writeup 問題文 I decided to create a tool that searches for hidden elements inside a web pages. Few days ago someone told me that my website is not so /secure/... Can you check it yourself ? writeup URLの入力…
Python for fun 問題文 writeup Python for fun 2 問題文 writeup 補足1 補足2 Python for fun 問題文 Welcome to noxale's online python class!!! You can try it for free for a limited time and learn basic programming in python 3. http://chal.noxa…
問題文 writeup 調査 Stage1 Stage2 問題文 Something slippery is happening here, this virus scan website smells fishy, thats why its slippy, I need to get to the control panel and see whats going on. http://chal.noxale.com:1336 writeup zipフ…