Question DragonScim is holding it's PKing workshop again! Word on the street is the admins get into the console via the Contact. They thought it might be clever and crafty if they also just created their name with inspiration from fish tha…
Question After becoming king, Shrek decides to create a social network for all citizens of Duloc, using the most modern web technologies such as React and Express. Become an admin and gain access to the exclusive admins-only flag portal. h…
Question Solution usernameとpasswordを入力するログイン画面だけ。 適当にusernameとpasswordを試すと、guest/guestでログインに成功。 curlを使用してヘッダー情報等を確かめる。 root@kali:~# curl https://sequel-9cba4c8e.challenges.bsidessf.net/log…